Meet the Team
A collection of professionals passionate about helping people.

Erin Gleeson – Speech Pathologist
Erin completed a Bachelor of Speech Pathology at the University of Newcastle in 2009. Since graduating, Erin has worked with children, adolescents and adults in various fields including disability, education, early intervention, community health and rehabilitation. Erin is a
Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist and a member of Speech Pathology Australia and SPELD NSW.
Erin provides assessment and intervention at the clinic or at a location of the client’s choosing.
Erin has a specific interest and skills in:
Neurological communication impairments (including Paediatric Brain Injury)
Neurological communication impairments (including Paediatric Brain Injury)
Providing professional development for early educators and teachers about language development, speech development and literacy.
Providing support to establish educational environments that facilitate language.
Literacy (Erin is an approved Sounds-Write provider)
Alternative and augmentative communication systems (assessment, set-up and support)
School aged language
Speech sound disorders
Erin is passionate about supporting clients during crucial transition phases, for example, beginning school and transitioning to employment. Erin thoroughly enjoys providing professional development to education staff about pre literacy skills, speech development and language development. Erin also has extensive experience supporting clients and families as they navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme process. Erin’s love of literacy has allowed her to extend her knowledge and application of explicit and direct literacy instruction. Erin provides one on one and small group literacy intervention as well as supporting teachers to assist students using a gold standard literacy approach.
Erin has two active and fun children who she loves spending time with whenever she can. Erin enjoys spending time at the beach and eating delicious food at many of the fabulous restaurants and cafés in the Newcastle area.

Vicky – Speech Pathologist
Vicky is a certified practising speech pathologist and member of Speech Pathology Australia. She has a special interest in working with preschool and school-aged children in the areas of early language development, social communication and literacy. Vicky is a warm and engaging clinician who enjoys incorporating children’s interests into therapy activities. She values collaboration with families and is a passionate advocate for her clients.
When not at work, Vicky enjoys listening to music, reading and watching cartoons (especially Bluey!).

Alex – Speech Pathologist
Alex graduated from The University of Newcastle with a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology. Alex loves working with children, especially through play-based learning for language and speech. She believes in the power of self confidence and self awareness, and aspires to empower her clients and their caregivers by giving them the tools they need to improve their growing communication skills. A great sense of accomplishment comes from helping autistic children self advocate and communicate, as well as those with language delays and speech sound disorders to find their voice.
When Alex has spare time she can be found near the beach or a pool with her family, as they all love swimming. She also loves reading (tries to keep up with two book clubs), running, live music, films, travelling, and visiting friends and family who live across the sea in the U.S. and South America.

Elizabeth – Speech Pathologist
Elizabeth completed a Master of Speech Pathology at the La Trobe University, Melbourne in 2007. Since graduating, Liz has worked with a predominantly paediatric caseload with various roles including education, disability, early intervention, community health and inpatient paediatric feeding at John Hunter Children’s Hospital. Elizabeth is a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist and a member of Speech Pathology Australia and SPELD NSW.
Elizabeth has a specific interest and skills in:
Early language (Elizabeth is Hanen trained and registered)
School aged language
Literacy (Elizabeth is an approved Sounds-Write provider)
Speech sound disorders
Early childhood stuttering
Paediatric feeding skills
Elizabeth provides assessment and intervention at Fletcher clinic and is available for home visits or onsite visits to preschools and schools.
Elizabeth is passionate about supporting clients with language and literacy difficulties and enjoys supporting children to increase their confidence within the home and classroom settings. Elizabeth has worked within a school setting for over 5 years and is passionate about supporting both the student and teacher within the classroom. Further she enjoys providing professional development to teachers and providing explicit and simple ways to support literacy and language development on a daily basis.
Liz has three active and excitable kids who love to run, climb jump and splash most days. When she is not running around the backyard with her boys Liz enjoys reading books. She is a member of two book clubs and always has at least two to three books on the go at any one time.

Brittany – Speech Pathologist
Brittany is motivated by seeing children achieve their communication goals using evidence-based therapy approaches.
Brittany’s ideal day starts with a dip in the ocean and a coffee.